Artistic sugaring – part 4

Ok, the story goes on and I still do find it quite funny. We have had a few public dates where we tried to pretend to be a couple. I do feel like a spy in fact. I did learn a couple of names of his relatives and even the name of his first pet. God save me from ever using it. πŸ™‚

But it goes fine so far. He is sharing our photos and I try to look as happy as I can. I feel a little strange, but it is Ok overall. There is one thing we find difficult to explain though. The plot is that I am thinking about moving to his place and where I live now is a place we both hate. So we never stay at mine. So sooner rather than later I will have to stay overnight with him (I haven’t so far).

I am not particularly worried, to be fair. Deeply inside I do not mind having sex, but I do not yet feel like it. On the other hand it is not about true feelings. It is a game. Yet I feel uneasy so far. Some strange feeling is bothering me. Wish I knew what it is about.

15 thoughts on “Artistic sugaring – part 4

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              1. Sometimes you meet someone and you glow and it feels right. Then there are other times when that glow is replaced by confusion of sorts. It’s hard to describe but you feel when it happens.

                Liked by 1 person

                    1. Whoops! I do apologize for that emoji. It was not intended here. It was intended for a dear friend in London after the attacks this past weekend. Sorry!


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